(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Filipe Oliveira


Research group
Materials for Sustainability and Wellness

PhD student

I was born in Lisbon in 1991. In 2015 I graduated in Biology, with a specialization in Genetics and Cell Biology, at FCUL, and obtained my MSc in Biotechnology in 2018 at FCT-UNL. During my master thesis, developed in a partnership between ITQB-UNL and iBiMED-UA, I had the opportunity to develop an expression platform for the molecular pharming of antihypertensive peptides. Besides Academia, I also have related professional experience from working in the Biotechnology industry. Throughout my academic and professional path, the search for greener solutions for different challenges has been a constant. Now I am part of Des.solve group, where I am doing a PhD on sustainable chemistry, exploring the anticancer potential of deep eutetic systems.