(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Gabriela Rodrigues Malta


Research group
Molecular Synthesis

PhD student

Gabriela Malta has completed the BSc in Applied Chemistry (2016) and the MSc in Bioorganic Chemistry (2018) at NOVA School of Science and Technology. In 2019 she was a research fellow in LAQV-REQUIMTE working on the project SunStorage - Harvesting and Storage of Solar Energy where she developed novel coumarin-based organic dyes for application as photosensitizers in solar cells. Since 2020 she has attended the PhD in Sustainable Chemistry at the same institution. Her doctoral thesis consists in the development of new hetero-branched sensitizers for DSSCs. The thesis project involves the synthesis of the hetero-branched chromophores, their photophysical studies and the construction of the DSSCs devices to test their performance.