(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Teresa Casimiro


Research group
Materials for Sustainability and Wellness

Academic Staff

Researcher IDD-2365-2013
Ciência IDC319-27F6-1C6B
Teresa Casimiro is Assistant Professor at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, and Principal Investigator at LAQV/REQUIMTE ( She is leader of the CleanMIPTech Group ( at the Green Polymer Synthesis & Processing Laboratory at LAQV/REQUIMTE, Chemistry Department at FCT NOVA. T. Casimiro is co-author of 77 scientific refereed papers in international peer reviewed journals h-index: 22, h-i10=52, 1267 citations (1012 excluding self-citations), 17.6 average citations per paper; Academic Google: h-i: 26, h-i10: 56, 1717 citations), 4 patents and a provisional patent request (2019).