(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

José Luis Capelo


Research group
Omics and Analytical Development

Academic Staff

Researcher IDC-7334-2013
Ciência ID5310-A1D3-5225
Dr. J. L. Capelo (h index 36) got his Ph.D. in the University of Vigo (2002) Spain, made a post-doc in the IST in Lisbon (2002-2005) in Portugal and then he was appointed as a researcher at REQUIMTE (FCT-UNL, 2005-2009). Then he moved to the University of Vigo as PI (2009-2012). Assistant professor in the FCT-UNL in 2012, Associate Professor with Habilitation in 2018 where currently he is based. Dr. Capelo is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, member ACS and SPQ. He co-leads the BIOSCOPE research group ( and he is Co-CEO of the PROTEOMASS Scientific Society.
J. L. Capelo has published 240 manuscripts, 75% of them published in the first quartile (Impact factor) of their research domain, with 4200 citations.