Research group
Food Quality and Technology
Bachelor degree in Applied Biology (University of Minho), master degree in Quality Control (FFUP) and doctoral degree in Sustainable Chemistry (FCUP). Since 2013, C. Villa has been working on food research field, namely food authentication, GMO and food allergens. Her principal focus consist in the development of strategies for the reduction of food allergenicity and the establishment of DNA-based methods for allergen detection in foods. Presently she is Junior researcher at REQUIMTE-LAQV/FFUP. C. Villa has several publications in international peer-reviewed journals (33), book chapters (7), oral/poster communications in international conferences (62), awards (5) and participation in national/international projects(8). H-index: 13.
Representative Publications
Milk Ingredients in Meat Products: Can Autoclaving and In Vitro Gastroduodenal Digestion Mitigate Their IgE-Binding Capacity?
Sesame as a source of food allergens: clinical relevance, molecular characterization, cross-reactivity, stability toward processing and detection strategies
Monitoring Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) as a Potential Novel Allergenic Food: Effect of Food Processing and Matrix