(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

André Silva


Research group
Chemistry and Bioactivity


Researcher IDG-2295-2010
Ciência ID8B17-285E-C0CE
I graduated in Biochemistry from the U. Porto in 2005 and obtained my PhD degree in 2009 from Kings College London. After, I hold a post-doc fellowship at the Mass Spectrometry Center, U. Aveiro.
In 2013, I became a research associate at LAQV-REQUIMTE - University of Porto. I am an expert in Iron Biochemistry, Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics. Research is focused on how protein glycation and oxidation contribute to the dyshomeostasis of iron transport in diabetes mellitus and hereditary hemochromatosis. As an expert in proteomics, I have collaborations on the search for biomarkers in cancer and ageing diseases.
I am an active part in academic activities at U. Porto, supervising students and lecturing in several BSc, MSc and PhD programs.

Representative Publications

The Influence of the Amide Linkage in the Fe-III-Binding Properties of Catechol-Modified Rosamine Derivatives
The glycation site specificity of human serum transferrin is a determinant for transferrin's functional impairment under elevated glycaemic conditions
Determining the glycation site specificity of human holo-transferrin
Atherosclerosis is aggravated by iron and ameliorated by dietary and pharmacological iron restriction.
Identification of distinct nanoparticles and subsets of extracellular vesicles by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation