(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Marina Barroso Pereira Pinheiro

Researcher ID54397531500
Ciência IDED16-98DD-AFA6
I am a Doctoral Researcher in LAQV/REQUIMTE, Chemistry Department of Faculty of Pharmacy since 2014. I obtaining my Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2009 in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto (16/20). In 2013, I obtained the European Doctorate Degree through a a FCT fellowship in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto. In 2014, I became Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and also in 2014 I was awarded with a FCT Postdoctoral fellowship and immediately started to pursue my research in Medicinal Chemistry field. I published >40 publications in prestigious refereed books and journals. The scientific impact and quality of these publications has given more than 550 citations and a h-index of 16.

Representative Publications

The formulation of nanomedicines for treating tuberculosis
Mucoadhesive chitosan-coated solid lipid nanoparticles for better management of tuberculosis
Liposomes as drug delivery systems for the treatment of TB
Mannosylated solid lipid nanoparticles for the selective delivery of rifampicin to macrophages