Research group
Environmental Chemistry
Academic Staff
PhD in Chemistry 1990 and the Habilitation in Chemistry by Universidade do Minho 2010.
Full Professor of Chemistry at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) since 1990. President of Scientific Board of the same institution 2006-2008. Vice-President of Polytechnic of Porto (2022-…)
Coordinator of the research group: Grupo de Reação e Análises Químicas ( from 2001 and of the REQUIMTE Research Group of Environmental Chemistry (
Expertise: analytical chemistry, eletrochemistry, (bio)sensors, environmental science and technologies (water, soil,…)
Coordinator of international projects: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-612545: GMOsensor; ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015: REWATER; BiodivRestore Joint Call 2020-2021 - European Union’s Horizon 2020: BioReset
Author: 540 papers in international journals (h-index 60), 50 book chapters.
Supervision: 26 PhD thesis (plus 12 on-going) and 16 pos-doc students.
Representative Publications
Assessing emerging and priority micropollutants in sewage sludge: environmental insights and analytical approaches
Firefighters' personal exposure to gaseous PAHs during controlled forest fires: A case study with estimation of respiratory health risks and in vitro toxicity
Blueberry Pruning Wastes: From an Undervalued Agricultural Residue to a Safe and Valuable Source of Antioxidant Compounds for the Food Industry
Novel insights into enzymes inhibitory responses and metabolomic profile of supercritical fluid extract from chestnut shells upon intestinal permeability
Analysis of atorvastatin in environmental waters: Validation of an electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer sensor with application of life cycle assessment
Adulteration of Brain Health (Cognitive, Mood, and Sleep Enhancement) Food Supplements by the Addition of Pharmaceutical Drugs: A Comprehensive Review of Analytical Approaches and Trends
Biological Activity and Chemical Composition of Propolis Extracts with Potential Use in Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Management
Shrimp Waste Upcycling: Unveiling the Potential of Polysaccharides, Proteins, Carotenoids, and Fatty Acids with Emphasis on Extraction Techniques and Bioactive Properties
Insights into the Bioactive Composition, Antioxidant Properties and In Vitro Cell Effects of Disphyma crassifolium
A do-it-yourself electrochemical cell based on pencil leads and transparency sheets: Application to the enzymatic determination of histamine
Predicting the effects of in-vitro digestion in the bioactivity and bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds extracted from chestnut shells by supercritical fluid extraction – A metabolomic approach