(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Joana Galhano


Research group
Omics and Analytical Development

PhD student

J. Galhano has graduated as a Master in Biochemistry in 2021 from the NOVA School of Science and Technology, University Nova of Lisbon, with a final grade of 18, and completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry by the same university in 2019, with a final grade of 14. Her academic curriculum has allowed for the acquisition of laboratorial skills in a variety of fields ranging from drug-delivery systems, nanoparticle synthesis, physico-chemical characterization of cyanine derivatives and their applications, both as free molecules and incorporated onto nanoparticle and polymeric matrixes for a variety of applications ranging from environmental to clinical, with an additional focus on antibiotic resistance and the development of systems to overcome resistance mechanisms.
This cutting-edge training and scientific knowledge production has allowed for the publication of three scientific papers, as a first author, in relevant scientific journals. J. Galhano has also participated in eight scientific events, presenting both poster and shotgun communications, with a variety of international conferences, and was also involved in the organization of nine events, as part of the local organizing committees.
All these scientific outputs were performed with an international network, with ongoing collaborations with international partners from several institutions from Spain, Bulgaria and United Kingdom.
J. Galhano research track is an indicator of the high-quality, high-impact scientific research produced and undeniable dedication to scientific advancements, all essential qualities for funding attribution and enrollments in scientific projects, as well as for a continuous, relevant and impactful scientific career.