(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Marlene Lurdes Ferreira Mendes Pacheco


Research group
Materials for Sustainability and Wellness

PhD student

I have a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD (2014) and an MSc degree also in Biochemistry from UTAD (2018). My desire to learn more about chemical reactions and mechanisms have led me to develop my Master's Dissertation, Curricular Internship and other works with a strong emphasis in chemistry, and, more precisely, in organic chemistry. The focus in this area has allowed me to gain significant experience in synthesis and characterisation of organic compounds, determination of photophysical parameters and photochemical studies, studies correlating the fluorescence intensity with the interaction of compound-protein, cell culture, determination of biochemical parameters, among others.