(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Víctor Martin


Research group
Materials for Sustainability and Wellness

PhD student

Researcher IDAAG-1214-2019
Ciência ID8E11-3702-A008
Professional journey with 7 years of experience in dentistry, focused on oral surgery and dental implants and 4 years dedicated to academic research, involving bone regeneration, biomaterials, periodontal disease and antibiotics.

The solid academic background begins with a Bachelors’ degree in Dentistry followed by a Specialization course in Implantology, several clinical courses and a Master Degree in Biopharmaceutical Sciences by Faculty of Pharmacy (ULisboa), including a traineeship in the School of Engineering (EHU, Bilbao, Spain).

Representative Publications

Understanding intracellular trafficking and anti-inflammatory effects of minocycline chitosan-nanoparticles in human gingival fibroblasts for periodontal disease treatment
Engineering a multifunctional 3D-printed PLA-collagen-minocycline-nanoHydroxyapatite scaffold with combined antimicrobial and osteogenic effects for bone regeneration
Bone regeneration: Biomaterials as local delivery systems with improved osteoinductive properties