(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

A. Jorge Parola

(+351) 212948300

Research group
Cultural Heritage and Responsive Materials

Academic Staff

Researcher IDF-4048-2010
Ciência ID9119-6DF0-0936
A. Jorge Parola received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa in 1998, after which he made a post-doc at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He is presently Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry of NOVA University Lisbon, teaching inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry. He supervised or co-supervised 6 Post-doc researchers, 20 PhD (7 running) and 21 MSc (1 running) students. He is co-author of 7 book chapters, 9 proceedings and 174 papers (h-index 35, Scopus) and holds 3 patents. His research interests are centred on supramolecular photochemistry, molecular machines, development of chromogenic materials for applications (photo-, electro- and thermochromic systems), all involving natural or designed dyes. He runs the Cultural Heritage and Responsive Materials group (CHARM) at the Green Chemistry Associated Laboratory (LAQV-REQUIMTE). Main scientific achievements relate with the synthesis and photochemical characterisation of host-guest systems. A collaboration with the YDreams company led to the creation in 2010 (by YDreams) of Ynvisible, a spin-off on chromogenic materials. Major funding for research raised from national calls (4 projects as PI, team member in 21), QREN technological projects (6) and EU projects (9 projects, 1 running, local coordinator in 3).

Representative Publications

pH-Gated photoresponsive shuttling in a water-soluble pseudorotaxane
Generalization of the anthocyanins kinetics and thermodynamics multistate to 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzylidene)cyclohexanones
Catechol versus carboxyl linkage impact on DSSC performance of synthetic pyranoflavylium salts
Chemical evolution of the colour systems generated by riccionidin A, 3-deoxyanthocyanidins and anthocyanins
A model compound for pyridinechalcone-based multistate systems. Ring opening-closure as the slowest kinetic step of the multistate
Semicrystalline Polythiophene-Based Nanoparticles Deposited from Water on Flexible PET/ITO Substrates as a Sustainable Approach toward Long-Lasting Solid-State Electrochromic Devices
A Visible-Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Host-Guest Pair with Nanomolar Affinity in Water