(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Javier Fernández Lodeiro


Research group
Omics and Analytical Development


Researcher IDC-7770-2013
Ciência IDD910-9CDB-4F96
Graduated in Chemistry by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 2010, PhD. J. Fernandez-Lodeiro defended his PhD thesis in 2012 at the University of Vigo (Spain). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Instituto de Química at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) during (2013-2014) and in the LAQV and UCIBIO-REQUIMTE, FCT-UNL(2014-2019). Actually, as a DL/57 researcher in the LAQV-REQUIMTE integrated with the BIOSCOPE Group, PhD. JFL is responsible for the Laboratory of New Green Methodologies Applied to the Design and Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles. Up to now, he is co-author of about 35 papers in high-quality international peer-review journals, 3 books, 1 book chapter and 1 patent.