After finishing his PhD at University of Coimbra, João joined CICS (University of Beira Interior) and worked for a year in proteomics, and in the planning and development of a new mass spectrometry laboratory. In 2014, João moved to Porto and started working atCBQF (Catholic University of Portugal) where he was assigned more managerial duties. João also worked for a year at ICBAS (University of Porto) on Reproductive Biology, more specifically on on male reproduction, trying to uncover importance of glycerol in infertility contexts.
João is currently a fellow of the GENIALG Project (EU, Horizon 2020), a project aiming at characterizing and to adding value to macroalgae.
Representative Publications
Structure-Bioactivity Relationships of Methylxanthines: Trying to Make Sense of All the Promises and the Drawbacks
Rapeseed oil-rich diet alters hepatic mitochondrial membrane lipid composition and disrupts bioenergetics
Pharmacological potential of methylxanthines: Retrospective analysis and future expectations