(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Paula Nabais

(+351) 212 948 322

Research group
Cultural Heritage and Responsive Materials


Researcher IDN-8067-2017
Ciência IDFB10-F205-62C7
Paula Nabais is a Junior CEEC Researcher at the Department of Conservation and Restoration and LAQV-Requimte Research Unit, from the NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon. Her Ph.D. project was granted the award “Estimulo à Investigação” for the Chemistry Area by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. It encompassed the development of innovative methodologies for the identification of organic colorants in artworks. Recently, she has been dedicated to the study of natural dyes used in artworks, in particular yellow colours. She is the PI in FCT funded project REVIVE, a member of the management committee of COST ACTION EuroWeb and the Vice-Chair of the COST Innovators Grant HERITEX-HUB.

Representative Publications

A 1000-year-old mystery solved: the first molecular structure for the medieval blue from Chrozophora tinctoria, also known as folium
Photoreactivity and stability of flavonoid yellows used in cultural heritage
Yellow Dyes of Historical Importance: A Handful of Weld Yellows from the 18th-Century Recipe Books of French Master Dyers Antoine Janot and Paul Gout
Early modern knitted caps (fifteenth to sixteenth centuries): analyzing dyes in archaeological samples using microspectrofluorimetry complemented by HPLC-MS