Research group
Food Quality and Technology
Sara Cunha, Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Chemistry from the University of Porto, Portugal, is a Principal Research Scientist at LAQV-REQUIMTE. An expert in water, food, and environmental contaminants, she has developed innovative chromatographic techniques for detecting mycotoxins (patulin, tricothecenes, ochratoxin A, aflatoxins, ennantins), pesticide residues, industrial processing contaminants (acrylamide, biogenic amines, 4-methylimidazole), migrant packing contaminants (bisphenols, phthalates), and environmental contaminants (UV-filters, triclosan, PAHs, pharmaceutical residues, musks, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated compounds). Her research also includes studying bioaccessibility, bioavailability, endocrine disruption, the impacts of climate change, and microplastics on environmental health.
She has published over 195 articles in peer-reviewed journals (H-index 51) and contributed to 16 book chapters. She has extensive experience leading European projects (e.g., group leader, HORIZON CisWEFE-NEX, H2020 SEAFOODtomorrow, FP7 ECsafeSEAFOOD, Interreg Spain-Portugal FoodSens) and National projects (e.g. PI of CleanH2O, EDCs-Seafood). She supervises several Ph.D. and MSc students and collaborates with industries to enhance food safety and quality.
Representative Publications
Bisphenol A and its analogs in muscle and liver of fish from the North East Atlantic Ocean in relation to microplastic contamination. Exposure and risk to human consumers
Evaluating the human neurotoxicity and toxicological interactions impact of co-occurring regulated and emerging mycotoxins
Occurrence and seasonal variation of several endocrine disruptor compounds (pesticides, bisphenols, musks and UV-filters) in water and sediments from the estuaries of Tagus and Douro Rivers (NE Atlantic Ocean coast)
Seasonal occurrence and risk assessment of endocrine-disrupting compounds in Tagus estuary biota (NE Atlantic Ocean coast)