Research group
Materials for Sustainability and Wellness
Academic Staff
Pedro Gomes, is a DDS, MSc and PhD. He is currently an AssociateProfessor with Habilitation in Faculty of Dental Medicine, U. Porto, Portugal, and lecturer in Oral Biosciences and Pharmacology. He is a researcher of BoneLab - Laboratory for Bone Metabolism and Regeneration and his research interests include the modulation of bone cells' funcitonality, bone tissue regeneration in compromised conditions, animal models for bone tissue regeneration, and the biological evaluation of biomaterials and medical devices by in vitro and in vivo methodologies. He has participated, as a member of the team, in 3 European-funded and 9 Nationally-funded projects. He has co-authored more than 75 full manuscripts in international peer-reviewed journals.
Representative Publications
Vascular biosafety of commercial hydroxyapatite particles: discrepancy between blood compatibility assays and endothelial cell behavior
Engineering a multifunctional 3D-printed PLA-collagen-minocycline-nanoHydroxyapatite scaffold with combined antimicrobial and osteogenic effects for bone regeneration
Encapsulated bacteriophages in alginate-nanohydroxyapatite hydrogel as a novel delivery system to prevent orthopedic implant-associated infections
Glutaraldehyde-crosslinking chitosan scaffolds reinforced with calcium phosphate spray-dried granules for bone tissue applications
The diagnosis of eating disorders through mid-infrared spectroscopy of the gingival crevicular fluid: a pilot trial