Research group
Chemistry and Bioactivity
Academic Staff
I graduated in Biology, and am Full Professor of Biology at FCUP since 2015, Since 2019 I am the vice-dean at FCUP. At REQUIMTE I coordinate the IB2Lab. I supervise/d >17 post-docs, >30 PhD, and ~70 Master students. I work in cell biology/signaling under stress, including new pathogens and pests,; also in biotechnology and omics (transcriptional analysis, metabolomics) and physiology for integrative biology; I also work on developing new control compounds for a sustainable environment (new peptides, nano compounds).I published >218 ISI papers (HI=39). Reviewer of >100 scientific manuscripts; co-editor of several journals (eg MDPI). Acted as an evaluator of multiple EU FP6,FP7, H2020 calls, and national and international/European Programs