(Chemical) Bonding is what makes life possible

Ana Margarida Araújo


Research group
Food Quality and Technology


Researcher IDT-3699-2017
Ciência IDE91D-B71A-E36F
Ana Margarida Araújo is currently a Junior Researcher at the associated laboratory LAQV/REQUIMTE at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto. She has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Porto (2021). Her main domain of expertise is in the field of metabolomics, where she applies cutting-edge analytical techniques [such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)] to assess the metabolic profile of a wide variety of samples (cells, tissues, biofluids, as well as food and environmental matrices). She also has extensive experience in bioinformatics/statistical analysis of complex datasets using open source programming languages. Her primary area of interest lies on the use of metabolomics as a holistic and highly sensitive tool for comprehending complex systems and explore them to study specific physiological issues, pathological mechanisms and assess environmental impacts.

Representative Publications

Development and optimization of a HS-SPME-GC-MS methodology to quantify volatile carbonyl compounds in Port wines
Synthetic cannabinoids JWH-122 and THJ-2201 disrupt endocannabinoid-regulated mitochondrial function and activate apoptotic pathways as a primary mechanism of in vitro nephrotoxicity at in vivo relevant concentrations.
GC-MS Metabolomics Reveals Distinct Profiles of Low- and High-Grade Bladder Cancer Cultured Cells
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Hepatotoxicity under the Heat Stress Condition: Novel Insights from in Vitro Metabolomic Studies
In vivo toxicometabolomics reveals multi-organ and urine metabolic changes in mice upon acute exposure to human-relevant doses of 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV)